North American Information
- Area Codes, by Area Code
This table lists North American area codes, sorted by area code. Visitors can find the locations and usages assigned to the area codes which are available in the North American Public Telephone Network.
- Area Codes, by Country
Telephone area codes are used to help route phone calls to the correct location. Find North American area codes and their corresponding locations with this handy area code chart.
- History of North America
The first people to come to the North American continent crossed the Bering Sea from Asia. Visit this North American history and culture overview to learn more about North America.
- Map Of North America
The North American continent includes Canada, the United States of America, Mexico, Greenland, the Caribbean islands, and the countries of Central America. Visit this site to view the North America map.
- North America Travel Guide
The continent of North America contains something for everyone, with beaches, islands, big cities, national parks, and plenty of history. Visit this North American travel guide.
- State Abbreviations Map
This map shows all 50 states of the USA with their 2-letter abbreviations. The states on the North American continent are located correctly with respect to each other.
North American News
North American Bibliography
- North American Road Atlas. Heathrow, FL. American Automobile Association. 2007.
- Burton, Robert, and Stephen W. Kress. North American Birdfeeder Guide. New York, NY. Penguin Group. 2005.
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