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Area Word Cloud


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Area Information

  • Area Codes, by Area Code
    This table lists North American area codes, sorted by area code. Visitors can find the locations and usages assigned to the area codes which are available in the North American Public Telephone Network.
  • Area Codes, by Country
    Telephone area codes are used to help route phone calls to the correct location. Find North American area codes and their corresponding locations with this handy area code chart.
  • Floor Rugs
    This site features information about area rugs and their care, as well as links to area rug dealers and manufacturers.
  • Hotel Suite in a Luxury Hotel (Digital Image)
    A mirror reflects the clean and spacious interior of a hotel suite, including a chair with a bright pink pillow, and a large, white bed. When you slide or turn the key into your hotel suite door, you are entering your home away from home.
  • Spray Gun thumbnail Spray Gun (Photograph)
    A white and chrome paint spray gun is photographed on a clean white background, before a bright palette of paint makes things more colorful. A paint spray gun is an effective tool that can quickly and precisely transform a paintable object or area.
  • Barbados
    From dramatic cliffs in the north, windswept Atlantic beaches in the east, and flat pastureland in the south to white sand beaches on the west coast, Barbados covers an area of 166 square miles.
  • Laptop Case thumbnail Laptop Case (Photograph)
    Laptop bags and briefcases provide convenient storage and portability while offering padded protection. Many laptop bags and briefcases provide a number of pockets for cables, accessories, and papers in addition to a protected area for the laptop.
  • Dental Syringe thumbnail Dental Syringe (Photograph)
    A close-up shot shows a metal dental syringe upon a white table. This type of syringe supplies air and/or water to the oral cavity for flushing debris away from the area that the dentist is working on.
  • Segway Scooter thumbnail Segway Scooter (Photograph)
    A man in an orange safety vest uses a Segway scooter to cross the street and enter a brick pedestrian area. Segway scooters allow users to travel short distances in a way that is quick, economical, and good for the environment.
  • Home Office (Photograph)
    A photograph depicts a well-appointed office, with a wide variety of useful office furniture. A rolling black office chair sits in front of a long wooden desk. Surrounding the desk area are shelves for storage.
  • Inline Skating thumbnail Inline Skating (Photograph)
    An athletic rollerblader wearing blue jeans and blue, gray, and black rollerblades rolls down a sunny path. The green grass and trees in the background indicate that the workout is occurring in a rural area.
  • Handheld Leaf Blower thumbnail Handheld Leaf Blower (Photograph)
    A man in a plaid shirt stands in a wooded area, and is using a handheld leaf blower. The blower is equipped with a long orange cord, which is attached to a power source that allows it to operate.
  • Long Distance Carriers
    Long distance phone calls are calls that are placed outside the user's local service area. Long distance carriers enable subscribers to place long distance phone calls to telephone numbers around the world.
  • Map Of Antarctica
    The continent of Antarctica is located around the South Pole and is the worlds fifth largest continent. It covers almost 10 percent of the worlds total land area but has no permanent residents.
  • History of Asia
    Civilization was first noted in Asia about 6,000 years ago, when the Fertile Crescent area of the Middle East was initially settled and agriculture was introduced to the continent.
  • Greece Relief Map
    Greece includes a mainland core area and more than fifteen hundred Greek islands, relatively few of which are inhabited. The large Greek island of Crete is located to the south of the mainland.
  • Map Of Japan
    The country of Japan is an island nation located in eastern Asia. The total area of Japan is 145,883 square miles and the capital is Tokyo. Visit this site to learn more about Japan.
  • Russia Relief Map
    Russia occupies the entire area of northern Asia and a portion of northeastern Europe. The Ural Mountains divide European Russia in the west from the Siberian Plain located in the east.
  • Maps And Directions
    Simply put, a map is is a guide to an area in picture format. Maps represent the world we live in by using a system of latitude and longitude. Visit this site to learn more about maps.
  • Map Projections
    Cartography is the art and science of representing a geographical area by means of a map. Learn more about the projections used by cartographers with this guide to map projections.
  • Metric Conversion
    Metric units are used to measure length, area, volume, weight, pressure, energy, and temperature and are different from commonly used English measurements.
  • Middle East Cities Map
    Locate cities of the Middle East on this map, and find a chart featuring the area, population, currency, capital city, and time zone of countries in the Middle East.
  • New England History
    To learn about the history of the area of New England, read this informative website, which includes a history that dates back to 1000 AD.
  • New England Travel Guide
    New England has some popular tourist destinations. To learn about the attractions in each state in the area, read this informative website.
  • Lake Powell Aerial Photograph (Photograph)
    Aerial photograph, with caption and description, of Lake Powell, which is located in the Glen Canyon National Recreation Area.

Area Directory Page(s)

  • Area Page on AbiFind.com
    Visit this area category page on abifind.com to find editorially-reviewed resources about this topic.

  • Area Codes Page on AbiLogic.com
    Visit this area codes category page on abilogic.com to find editorially-reviewed resources about this topic.

  • Area Page on AliveDirectory.com
    Visit this area category page on alivedirectory.com to find editorially-reviewed resources about this topic.

Area News

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