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Beans Word Cloud


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Beans Information

  • Brown Coffee Beans thumbnail Brown Coffee Beans (Photograph)
    Rich, dark brown coffee beans are photographed in a small burlap sack on a white background. Before they can be enjoyed as a beverage, these coffee beans will be ground using a burr coffee grinder.
  • Steaming Cup of Coffee with Coffee Beans (Digital Video)
    A steaming cup of coffee and a saucer sit amidst a scattering of roasted coffee beans.
  • Roasted Coffee Beans (Digital Video)
    Roasted coffee beans appear larger than full-size in this close-up video.
  • Coffee Roasters
    Coffee beans are roasted at temperatures between 370 and 540 degrees Fahrenheit. Depending on the desired roast darkness, the beans are roasted anywhere from a few minutes to a half hour.
  • Chocolate Varieties
    Chocolate is a food made that is from the beans of cocoa trees. Learn about the two species of cocoa trees are native to Central America and the Amazon River basin in South America.
  • Coffee Grinders
    Grinding your own coffee beans can yield fresh, delicious coffee. Learn more about coffee grinders and find links to popular suppliers of coffee grinders.
  • Chocolate Gift Baskets
    Chocolate has been a favorite gift to receive for as long as it has been around! Chocolate specialty shops abound, catering to our chocolate addiction. Chocolate is made from the beans of cocoa tree.

Beans Directory Page(s)

  • Coffee Beans Page on Jumblex.org
    Visit this coffee beans category page on jumblex.org to find editorially-reviewed resources about this topic.

Beans News

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Word Cloud > Beans