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Ball Word Cloud


Word Cloud > Ball


Ball Information

  • Tennis Ball and Racket thumbnail Tennis Ball and Racket (Photograph)
    A close-up photograph of a yellow tennis ball sitting on white strings comprises essential equipment for an outing on the tennis court. When the game begins, the ball will not be motionless on the strings, but will zing back and forth across the net.
  • Beach Ball thumbnail Beach Ball (Illustration)
    A cartoon image shows a young boy with black hair playing with a beach ball. The boy is wearing red trunks. A beach is depicted in the background, with blue sky, white wave, and tan sand.
  • Beach Ball in a Swimming Pool (Digital Image)
    A beach ball floats in the cerulean blue waters of an aboveground swimming pool. There's nothing like a swimming pool to evoke thoughts of fun, relaxation, and warm, sunny recreation.
  • Red Bowling Ball Striking Bowling Pins (Digital Video)
    A shiny, red bowling ball rolls down a bowling alley, striking and scattering bowling pins.
  • Golfer Putting a Golf Ball into the Hole (Digital Video)
    A golfer on a beautiful golf course putts a golf ball into the hole on a green.
  • Tennis Court thumbnail Tennis Court (Photograph)
    An interesting photographic angle shows a tennis player in action. As the ball bounces toward the strike zone, the player pulls his racquet back, ready to swing. When the ball strikes the sweet spot of the racquet, it will be propelled over the net.
  • Soccer Directory
    Browse this soccer solutions directory for information about soccer products and services in the United States of America. The photo on this page depicts a soccer ball on a white background.
  • Baseball Equipment thumbnail Baseball Equipment (Illustration)
    Baseball is a favorite American pastime. In addition to a baseball bat, the sport utilizes a baseball and glove, which are shown here. Ideally, baseball gloves are made of leather and the baseball contains a rubber or cork center wound with yarn.
  • Baseball thumbnail Baseball (Photograph)
    Baseball is one of America's favorite sports, and it is played with a baseball, glove, and bat. Bats may be wooden like the one shown in the picture or made of metal such as aluminum.
  • Bowling Balls
    Bowling balls are used in the sport of ten pin bowling. They have three fingers holes, for the thumb and first and second fingers. Bowling balls come in many colors, although black is the standard color.
  • Squash Equipment
    Invented in England early in the 19th century, squash came to North America in 1885. English-speaking countries have tended to dominate championship play.
  • Smiling Child at a Bowling Alley (Digital Image)
    A child smiles and places her hands atop a multicolored bowling ball, as a bowling lane and pins stretch out behind her. Whether you are an adult or a child, the sport of bowling conjures up fun, laughter, and time spent with friends and family.
  • Golf Courses Directory
    Browse this golf course directory for information about golf courses throughout the United States. The photo on this page depicts a golf ball and a golf club on a golf course.
  • Golf Balls
    Golf is a popular outdoor game played with a small dimpled ball and a set of clubs. Golf clubs are made from a combination of steel, graphite, titanium, and various alloys.
  • Hockey Equipment
    Ice hockey, street hockey, and field hockey are variants of the same game played with a curved stick and a puck or ball. Links to hockey equipment suppliers are included on the page.
  • Baseball Teams
    Baseball was introduced during the early 1800s and soon caught fire with the public. In 1858, baseball was institutionalized by the National Association of Base Ball Players.
  • Young Inline Skater with Helmet and Pads (Digital Image)
    A young boy wears a helmet and full pads as he takes a stride forward in his inline skates. Lacing up a pair of inline skates gives you a sense of freedom and speed that other activities don't.

Ball Directory Page(s)

  • Ball Page on Jumblex.org
    Visit this ball category page on jumblex.org to find editorially-reviewed resources about this topic.

Ball News

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Word Cloud > Ball