Scooters Information
- Electric Scooters
An electric scooter is a basic scooter with a motor added. The popularity of electric scooters has risen dramatically in the last few years, as scooters are an economical way to travel short distances.
- Motor Scooters
Motor scooters are motorized bikes with a step-through frame. They are available with two-stroke or four-stroke motors and have either manual or automatic transmissions.
Scooter (Illustration)
Line drawing of a motor scooter, a two-wheeled vehicle that uses a rechargeable battery or gasoline to power its electric motor or gasoline engine. Electric scooters are designed for short distance travel.
Compact Scooter (Photograph)
A man places a compact scooter in the trunk of his car, so it will be ready to use when his destination is reached. Compact scooters can be easily transported on day trips, vacations, and while camping.
Scooters Directory Page(s)
- Scooters Page on AbiFind.com
Visit this scooters category page on abifind.com to find editorially-reviewed resources about this topic.
- Scooters Page on AliveDirectory.com
Visit this scooters category page on alivedirectory.com to find editorially-reviewed resources about this topic.
- Scooters Page on BusinessSeek.biz
Visit this scooters category page on businessseek.biz to find editorially-reviewed resources about this topic.
- Scooters Page on Jumblex.org
Visit this scooters category page on jumblex.org to find editorially-reviewed resources about this topic.
Scooters News
Scooters Bibliography
- Bibbins, Neil. Bikes, Scooters, Skates, and Boards. North Adams, MA. Storey Publishing. 2002.
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