Buying Information
- Home Buying
Buying a home is one of the biggest financial decisions you will ever make. Learn more about home buying with this helpful guide.
- Buying a New Boat
Boats provide a unique kind of relaxation and enjoyment, but the decision to purchase a boat involves careful research and consideration. Learn about buying a boat and find boat builder links, by state.
- Buying a Loose Diamond
A diamond purchase is a major financial investment and should be thoroughly researched. This diamond buying overview and guide includes links to selected diamond suppliers.
- Buying a Sewing Machine
Buying a used sewing machine can save you money, but it can be risky. Sewing machines are precision devices, and they can be damaged if they are not packed carefully for shipment.
- Buying a Bicycle
View this website to learn tips about buying a bicycle, whether it be a road bike, off-road, or a cruiser. Information about each type of bicycle is included.
- Buying a Tent
This website offers information about buying a camping tent, including the features of various kinds of tents. Also included is a tent supplier directory.
- Car Buying
If you are in the market for a new or used car, it is important to research the specifications and consumer ratings for the makes and models you are interested in.
- Buying a Dirt Bike
Dirt bikes are typically designed for either racing or trail riding, so the type of bike you choose will depend on the type of riding you plan to do, as well as your size.
- Used Cars
Buying a used car is often much more cost effective than buying a brand new automobile. Find a helpful used car buying guide, as well as links to popular auto manufacturers.
- Baby Information Guide
This baby information guide features convenient links to baby stores, baby names, and baby equipment, as well as helpful buying guides.
- Furniture Information Guide
This furniture information guide features links to Amish furniture, wicker furniture, kitchen furniture, and more, as well as helpful buying guides.
Digital Video Camera (Photograph)
When buying a camera, be sure to see how the LCD screen will look in daylight and sunny conditions. Some screens wash out, making it nigh unto impossible to see what is being recorded. Also take a look at exposure controls.
- Gifts For Men
Buying a gift for the man in your life can be a challenge, but it need not be. Many men enjoy sporting goods and memorabilia, as well as electronics, tools and other gadgets.
- Gifts For Women
Buying a gift for the woman in your life can be a challenge, but it need not be. Many women enjoy jewelry and perfume, as well as flowers, and of course, chocolate!
- Evaluating a Diamond
While most diamond sellers will be happy to walk you through the process of buying your diamond, being an aware and informed consumer can help ensure that you get what you pay for.
- Air Travel Tips
To learn more about air travel, view this informative website, which gives tips about buying tickets, booking hotels, using frequent flier miles, and more.
- Residential Real Estate
Whether you are buying or selling a home, condominium, townhouse, or land, a good real estate company can ensure you have the best experience possible.
- Daffodils and Blank Paper (Digital Image)
A bouquet of yellow daffodils borders a blank piece of paper, inspiration for an advertising agency's next campaign.
- Pregnant Woman Shopping for a Stroller (Digital Image)
In this photo, a smiling, pregnant woman shops for a baby stroller in a baby store. Every mother looks forward to the birth of her child with joy and anticipation. As the mother's belly grows, nesting instincts take over.
- Female Bicycle Mechanic and Cogwheel (Digital Image)
At a bicycle show, a female bicycle mechanic holds up a cogwheel, one of the many parts that make up a bicycle.
- Girl Juggling an Apple and an Orange (Digital Image)
In this photo, a young adolescent juggles an apple and an orange. Before making purchases, most budget-savvy consumers want to spend time comparison shopping.
- Fathers Holding their Children Outdoors (Digital Image)
Fathers enjoy their children in an outdoor setting. Whether he is teaching you how to do your homework, helping you learn something new, or encouraging you in sports, a Dad is one of the most important people in a child's life.
- Unfinished Hardwood Maple Chairs (Digital Image)
A row of unfinished chairs, made of maple, are arranged in a dramatic row. Create your own look for a fraction of the price by buying and finishing unfinished furniture.
Buying Directory Page(s)
- Buying Page on AbiFind.com
Visit this buying category page on abifind.com to find editorially-reviewed resources about this topic.
- Buying Page on AbiLogic.com
Visit this buying category page on abilogic.com to find editorially-reviewed resources about this topic.
- Buying Page on AliveDirectory.com
Visit this buying category page on alivedirectory.com to find editorially-reviewed resources about this topic.
Buying News
Buying Bibliography
- Davis, Sid. A Survival Guide for Buying a Home. New York, NY. AMACOM. 2004.
- Dussault, Thomas L. Savvy Home Buying Tactics. Mason, OH. Thomson South-Western. 2007.
- Ford, Robert. What Car Dealers Won't Tell You. New York, NY. Plume. 2005.
- LaPlante, Alice, and Rhonda Abrams. Buying a Home. Palo Alto, CA. Planning Shop. 2007.
- Paul, Rik, and David Champion. Smart Buyer's Guide to Buying or Leasing a Car. Yonkers, NY. Consumers Union. 2005.
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